Haridrakhandm (also known as Haridrakhand) can be used regardless to the dominance of the Dosha. It is good for disorders with KAPHA dominance, then for VATA dominance and then for PITTA dominance. However, it likely has hot potency, but it releases PITTA from the liver, which also makes it effective in excess PITTA disorders. Therefore, it can be used in conditions regardless to Dosha dominance.
Used widely in the treatment of Allergic respiratory, allergic skin diseases, itching skin diseases.
The main ingredient in Haridrakhandam is turmeric.As Turmeric is a known anti-bacterial, anti- fungal and anti- viral herb since ages. Curcumin is the active principle in turmeric which fights against infection.
So as a preventive against infections, rather than using whole turmeric, the active principle in Haridrakhandam is quite effective.
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